
Full Sail Video Game Design Tuition

Understanding Tuition & Fees

See how the tuition and fees at Full Sail University match up to the average and see how you can properly get prepared for potential tuition growth.

Full Sail University Tuition Prices Compared to Other Schools

For nationwide, regional and statewide comparisons, check out the following table to find out how Full Sail University compares to other colleges.

Nationwide Southeast Florida
Tuition and Fees Above Average Above Average Expensive

How Much Does Full Sail University Charge for Tuition?

Full-time students at Full Sail University paid $24,513 in fees and tuition in the 2019 - 2020 academic year, before corrections for financial aid. $20,667 was the price tag on tuition. $3,846 was the charge for fees. Find out more about the net price.

Unfortunately, this college doesn't offer any reductions to in-state students.

Tuition and fees take care of the costs of attendance for one year of school, but do not include room and board, which is an additional cost you will get if you decide to stay on campus. Keep in mind a lot of students have financial aid and scholarships that lower the cost of college

The subsequent table shows the expenses defined above for the 2019 - 2020 school year.

Tuition Fees Total
Undergraduate $20,667 $3,846 $24,513

How much does Full Sail University cost per credit hour?

Visit the Cost Per Credit Hour page for details.

Tuition & Fees Five Year Projection

There continues to be a growth of 3.5% in Full Sail University fees and tuition for out-of-state students in the past five years. Tuition grew by 3.7% and fees grew by 2.2%. This school year, undergraduates can expect to pay $25,361 based on current projections.

Due to price growth, the total expense of a four-year degree would be $106,832, and the total expense of a two-year degree would be $51,600, not including extra expenses such as books, transportation, and room and board.

View the following chart to see how Full Sail University fees and tuition might grow in the years to come.

Tuition and Fees Trends at Full Sail University

Factor Cost Increases Into Your Budget

At a lot of colleges you will wind up paying out more in your final year of school than you will in your first. This is due to yearly cost growth. It's good to keep yourself informed!

Full Sail Video Game Design Tuition


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