
How To Delete A Blog On Wordpress Com

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Deleting a WordPress blog may seem like a mundane job, but sometimes it's necessary to do! There are also several ways in which you can delete a WordPress blog, depending on how you're using WordPress.

There are two types of WordPress blogs for us to consider:

  • Self hosted (this is where you choose your own web hosting)
  • hosted

The purpose of this article is to help you delete your WordPress blog, regardless of whether you're using a self-hosted or solution. Follow these simple steps carefully and you'll have the freedom to delete your WordPress blog anytime.

Deleting a blog

1 | Create a backup

Even if you're 100% sure you want to delete your blog, you should backup the data just in case. It's quick and easy to do, and it could save your time and hassle later down the line!

Once you login to, navigate to thedashboard and selectTools > Export. You'll be presented with several options; selectingAll content will export posts, pages, comments, custom fields, etc.

wordpress interface

Download Export File to keep your file safe and secure on your computer. Your backup file will be available for you if you need it.

2 | Delete your blog

Now that you've backed up your blog, it's time to delete it. If you're not already there, navigate to thedashboard and select the Tools option where you'll seeDelete Site in the list.


You'll be asked for a reason as to why you're deleting your blog, but you can select Another Reason as an option to continue. This is simply for WordPress to collect data about why people delete their blogs, so there's no need to overthink it!

When you click this option you'll be presented with a popup confirming that you'll be permanently deleting your blog. You'll also be prompted to export your content if you haven't already done so (see step 1 for more details).

If you're happy to delete your blog, tick the box and selectDelete Now to permanently delete your blog. You may be sent a verification email to confirm that it'sactually you requesting the deletion. Simply click the link and confirm.

Deleting a self-hosted blog

1 | Login via your web host

First you'll want to login to your web hosting provider's website to access your user area. Once you've logged in, you'll be able to access all of your account details as well as any websites you have.

Let's take SiteGround as an example here. Simply navigate to the host's site and enter your username and password to login.

siteground login

2 | Navigate to cPanel

Next you'll need to access your cPanel (control panel) which may be powered by cPanel itself, or your web host may have it's own control panel.

go to cpanel

Most cPanel dashboards will look very similar. Regardless of your hosting plan, you should be able to see a section called 'autoinstallers' or somewhere with the WordPress logo in your cPanel.


3 | Uninstall WordPress

Once you've clicked on the WordPress logo or navigated your way to your WordPress installations list, you'll seecurrent installations which will display all of your WordPress websites and blogs.


Whether you're 100% sure about deleting your WordPress blog or not, I'd recommend backing your files up just in case. It's simply a case of clicking the folder icon with the green arrow that can be seen in the picture above.

Once you've backed up your site, you can proceed to click theX to delete your WordPress installation. Depending on your web host, the icons may appear differently, so just look for the option todeleteorremove.


4 | Confirm deletion of WordPress

Most web hosts will ask you to confirm that you want to completely remove your WordPress installation. Make sure that you're happy with all of your selections and clickremove installation when you want to proceed.

removing wordpress

Hopefully you won't ever need to, but should the need ever arise, you should now know how to delete WordPress sites the easy way.

Anna thrives on providing helpful articles to her readers, taking time to really get to know the products and services she reviews and interviews. An enthusiast of the world wide web, Anna hopes her research proves useful and interesting.

How To Delete A Blog On Wordpress Com


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