
How To Make Your Fashion Blog Successful

If you are a passionate fashion lover, fashion blogging can be a very fulfilling and exciting venture for you. Everything you need to know about how to become a fashion blogger is in this beginners guide. From learning about finding your target audience to how to make money from fashion blogging. Read the seven steps below to help you launch your own fashion blog!

But first, what is a fashion blog? A fashion blog can be a lot of things – it can cover everything from clothing to accessories, beauty tips and various fashion trends. Nowadays fashion bloggers are known as 'influencers' as well. It is not just a hobby any more, for some people this has become their occupation with the rise of the fashion industry.

Table of Contents

What You Need to Know Before Becoming a Fashion Blogger

Before you venture into a dedicated journey to become a fashion blogger, ask yourself the following questions. Afterwards they will help you guide throughout the passage.

  • What do you like?
  • What are you good at?
  • Why do you want to go into fashion blogging?
  • What type of fashion blog are you interested in?
  • Who are your target audience?

Answering the above mentioned questions will help make the next phases of how to become a fashion blogger much easier for you.

How to Become a Fashion Blogger

To be a successful fashion blogger, you need to go through the following steps. And with a bit of luck and proper coverage, you may become a fashion influencer in no time. These seven steps will help you get started with your first fashion blog.

These seven steps will help set you up with your first fashion blog successfully.

1. Know Your Niche

2. Choose The Right Platform

3. Pick a Domain Name

4. Find Your Fashion Theme

5. Create Content

6. Promote Your Content

7. Monetize Your Fashion Blog

1. Know Your Niche

According to Philip Kotler, father of marketing, a niche is –

' A portion of the market in which individuals possess homogeneous needs and characteristics and the latter are not covered by the general offer to the market'

Well, fashion itself is a broad term. It encompasses a wide range of clothing, accessories, make up etc from various genre, style and brands. It varies from season to season, by region and personality. Before you go on writing about fashion, know whom you're writing it for and what they like or want.

You can not please everyone all the time, so it's wise to choose a niche and try to create a loyal follower base. This allows you to focus all your efforts on making amazing content, meeting your audience expectation, and maybe slightly less competition. Most importantly, this allows you to stay true to yourself.

2. Choose The Right Platform

It is important to choose the proper platform for your fashion blog. A blogging platform or  content management system (CMS) lets you create, manage, update, and optimize a blog as per your liking.

Why you should have your own platform

You might be thinking why not start with Instagram? Many people use it. Right? While it is true that many people use Instagram as their primary platform and earn money from it. It wouldn't be the best choice to use Instagram solely for blogging. Instagram is a privately owned platform, meaning they can take down anything they want at any time. Same is the case for other social platforms.  The Following are a few reasons why you should have your own platform –

  • It gives you complete control
  • Ability to experiment with content type and length
  • More customisation options

Pick a web host

You can select either type of web host based on your blog needs and your budget restrictions.

1. Free/paid web hosting has free and freemium plans. Some of the most popular free web hosting services include,, and others.

Bluehost is one of the most popular and best web hosting platform for beginners. It has one click installers, customizable dashboard and the price is affordable. Some other paid, user-friendly options include Siteground, DreamHost and Wix.

2. Open-source self-hosted blog : Self-hosted means that you will need a separate server and domain to use the blogging software to create a blog or website. It entails building your website using software of your choice and then hiring a web hosting company to store that website. Examples include,,

What criteria to look for when picking a web host as a beginner?

The best web host for you will depend on your budget and most importantly, your specific needs. But you should also look for the following to get the best out of your web hosting experience.

  • User-friendly dashboard
  • Affordable pricing
  • One-click website installers
  • Hosting reliability and speed
  • Security options
  • Quality customer support

3. Pick a Domain Name

If you're wondering what a domain name is, it's basically the online address for a website. Choose a domain name that is fun, trendy, catchy, unique and memorable. Pick a name with 2-4 words and check if it's available . After selecting the perfect domain name you need to register the domain name. Take inspiration from fashion bloggers like accidental Icon, girl with curves, the fashion advocate and the budget fashionista , if you are confused on selecting the name.

If you are committed to fashion blogging, we would recommend purchasing your own domain. It will look more professional. For instance, sounds more professional than .

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4. Find Your Fashion Theme

Now that your fashion blog is up and running, make it look amazing. Customize the themes, show off your style and personality. Fashion can be very influential. The Theme is almost as important as the content that you'll write. If the readers don't like your theme, they might not stick around to see the desired contents.

Make sure it is compatible with mobile and tablet devices. You will find countless themes online like – Blossom feminine, Feminine lifestyle, Astra, Divi etc to choose from.

Check the following features when selecting a theme for your blog –

  • Straightforward navigation
  • Ease of customisation
  • Readability of content
  • Mobile & Tab friendliness
  • Responsive design

Add a personal touch to your selected theme to match it with your own style. Don't forget to accessorise your blog and install plugins. Some essential plugins after starting out are – UpdraftPlus, Yoast SEO, AddToAny, WPForms, Social Warfare.

5. Create Content

It's time to get to the real work- content making! Content making is the most important thing when you want to become a fashion blogger. It is said that content is king. Pour your heart out, unleash your inner goddess and get started on making authentic and quality content for fashion lovers.

This is where the previously asked questions will help you. If you know the answers to the questions mentioned in What You Need to Know Before Becoming a Fashion Blogger , you already have an idea on what you want to write about. Go with your gut and always remember who you're writing for.

Having a niche helps to some extent, but you can always mix it up and experiment with new content type. Suppose you are a travel fashion blogger, doesn't mean you can't cover a red carpet fashion disaster. If you have an inkling for a certain topic, go for it, as long as your readers are enjoying your content. Make sure your content is optimised for search engines too.

6. Promote Your Content

What's the point of making content if no one is reading it? Being a new fashion blogger, your target audience most probably have no idea you exist. Make your presence known!

In this era of the internet, we are flooded with all sorts of content. Put extra effort in making marketing strategies to stand out amidst a sea of fashion bloggers. Your earnest work needs to be recognised by like-minded people who will appreciate it. And marketing is the best and only way to go. Have a social media marketing strategy in place, along with the following-

  • Mobile Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Guest Blogging
  • Search engine optimisation
  • Paid advertisements
  • Online and offline networking


A strong social media presence can help boost views on your blog to a great extent, so make the most out of them. Make an account/page/profile on social media sites to send more traffic to your fashion blogs.

For instance – Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, LinkedIn, Quora, Tumblr, Twitter and even Snapchat. Visualisation helps to drive more traffic, this is truer in case of fashion blogs. Make sure to add Insta worthy pictures with your fashion blog and use #Hashtag.

Socialize virtually by joining sites and forums; ask your readers to like, comment and  share your content. Be consistent in your promotional activities across all platforms.

7. Monetise Your Fashion Blog

Fashion blogging can be more than just a hobby. You can earn a living by learning how to be a fashion blogger and by making inspiring and original content.  Some ways to make money from fashion blogging are –

Display Ads

Allowing advertisements in your blog is a very easy way to earn money. Most people don't like ads, so make sure to check what kind of ads you are allowing on your website. For a beginner, Google AdSense is a good way to monetize your website.

Affiliate Marketing

This basically means recommending products/services to your readers, and you get a commission every time someone makes a purchase by clicking on a unique link. If the recommended product is subpar, it may reflect poorly on you. It might even cause you to lose readers. Therefore, be sure to research about a product or brand before suggesting it to your audience.

Sell Your Products/Services

A good way to make money through fashion blogging is to have your own brand of clothes, accessories or provide similar services. For example, you could have your own unique creations for sale or offer consultation services on fashion.

Promote Brands

Promoting other brands is a good way to make money as a fashion blogger. You can become a brand ambassador or collaborate with other brands.

Some Things To Keep In Mind -

When your fashion blog is up and running and your hard work is paying off or even if you're struggling to survive, the following can help you guide through it.

Stay true to what you believe in

One of the best ways to make it big as a fashion blogger is to stay relevant, be relatable, ability to share your story in a compelling way and most importantly, stay in fashion. +

People will follow you as long as you give them something they like, but they are very quick to judge when you are not  being true to yourself. As a fashion blogger, being who you are can be a huge selling point.

Dedication pays off

Don't be discouraged if your blog does not take off immediately. Not every content goes viral. It takes time to build a loyal following and a supportive readers' community. Also, your readers can see whether you are dedicated to your work or not. Your dedication to your dream might just pave the way to success.

Be consistent

Being consistent makes you look more credible, and it shows professionalism. Update your content regularly, stick to a schedule and always keep in touch with your audience.

"Getting an audience is hard. Sustaining an audience is hard. It demands a consistency of thought, of purpose and of action over a long period of time."

Stay connected

You never know where opportunities lie. Engage with your audience in the comments section. Communicate with them and start networking. If you want to stay in this industry you need to stay connected with like-minded people.

Keep an eye on your competition

Fashion industry is unpredictable to some extent, you never know who might be joining the race soon. Therefore, it is always wise to look out for competition.

If you've come this far, this shows how dedicated, patient and eager you are about fashion blogging. To learn more, take this course on Fashion and Blogging Certificate.

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  • Globally Recognised

Closing notes

The blog you are so zealous about is a reflection of your personality. Fashion blogging can be an inspiring, fulfilling, and an extremely lucrative adventure. If you are passionate about fashion blogging we would recommend you to take a Fashion and Lifestyle Blogging Certificate course. This will help you learn more about creating and maintaining a lifestyle and fashion blog.

Fashion and Lifestyle Blogging Certificate

24/7 access to the course for 12 months, NO HIDDEN FEES, CPD endorsed certification

Fashion and Lifestyle Blogging Certificate

24/7 access to the course for 12 months, NO HIDDEN FEES, CPD endorsed certification

How To Make Your Fashion Blog Successful


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